The next day we do the twin dives at Isle Seche, staring with Pinnacle. We can consider both as average, no great viz, but we see a turtle and just being underwater is adequate compensation anyway. Afterwards we visit neighboring island of Moyenne, owned by the late Brandon Grimshaw. I discuss this island separately.
On Wednesday we do the Shore Dive at Anse Bernitier. A great logistical experience and success discussed separately. The viz is not great, but fish life and quality of coral superb! A first on Eden, a hidden secret surely.
On Thursday we head to Johnnies. This remains one of the best dives in Seychelles. The coral is superb and fish life very good. Our viz is fabulous and we spend a wonderful hour underwater.
On Friday its the last diving day with our guests and we decide to do another double tank dive . It is a fabulous day and we head to Brizaire the legendary Seychelles signature dive. The Bizaire rock is next to the twin dive, Dragon's teeth. The viz she was endless and we see the resident school of barrucuda, some eagle ray and two white tips. The coral garden and large schools of snapper and big eyes remain a sight to behold.
Our second dive is Lilotte and sadly the viz lets us down. We return to base ready for diving in Seychelles this season!