There are about 5 main types of turtle (hawksbill, loggerhead, green, leatherback, Ridley) and they can (hopefully) still be found on coral reefs near you. Turtles have a very long live span (sixty plus) if they manage to survive the modern mantraps. They continue to make a positive contribution to the ecosystem and we need them to feel good about ourselves. Most turtles start life from a deserted beach where their mother nested and was also born. A typical nesting will hatch around two hundred eggs. The mother arrived there x weeks before and laid the eggs on the beach about 500mm below the surface in a hole above the high water mark which the mother made and after laying the eggs covered up the nest to protect against scavengers. A few weeks later the eggs hatch and the small turtles make their way to the surface to start their lives. Many will not make it but hopefully most will. They have to face many predators along the way. On land they face crabs and birds and in the water sharks and others are only to eager to grab this tasty morsel. The mother probably made several nests, laid lots of eggs to ensure survival of the species. Worldwide such secluded beaches are getting fewer. A few weeks ago I was privileged to spend the weekend on Bird Island, Seychelles, home of the brown Noddy and many other terns and tropical birds.
It was nesting season for the hawksbill and green turtles. When we were there a total of 250 hawksbill and 30 green turtles and had nested already. Clearly it was a concern that there was such a low number of green turtles, equally was 250 enough for the small hawksbill? We were fortunate to witness the nesting of one hawksbill during day time. The local conservationists collected the eggs after a few weeks and allow the turtles to hatch in a protected environment to avoid some hungry lucky land crab along the way. It was therefore a regular nightly occurrence to release a batch of hatchlings under “controlled conditions” to ensure the maximum number reach the relative safety of the ocean. We wished them a very good voyage.
The nesting we witnessed was quite dramatic. Although Bird Island is very remote with limited humans there always is some activity during on the beach. This activity may deter a nesting from happening despite nature’s call. A female turtle ready to nest will check out the beach for a clear patch and start his crawl up the beach. If disturbed before digging the hole, she will dart back for safety. We were called and found the tracks of such an attempt but ware told to hang around as she would return in the vicinity. Within 30 minutes we were called and within 300 metres she was digging a hole! We kept a safe distance but as soon as she started laying we were allowed closer and even the nest was opened up where we witnessed the actual laying. The whole procedure took about 45 minutes where after she safely returned to the nest and we made sure the nest was as well protected as possible.
This wonderful event made me realize how fortunate I am when I encounter one of the fully grown specimen of any of the species. Please help all to take turtle off the menu!
Turtles to me remain a wonderful experience as seen below.
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